Our latest proposals for Capitol Industrial Park, Colindale

NEAT Developments and Royal London are pleased to present their latest proposals

Having received valuable feedback on our initial proposals at our public consultation in February, we have made some changes to the scheme and are currently preparing the planning application for submission to Brent Council.

Our latest newsletter, which has been distributed locally, details changes we have made to the proposals and how we have responded to feedback received during the public consultation.

The Site

Capitol Industrial Park, 1 - 8 Capitol Way, Colindale

The existing warehouse is currently vacant, not fit for purpose and does not meet the needs of modern industrial workspace.

This site is recognised as a Locally Significant Industrial Site by Brent Council and has existing planning permission for more than 500 new homes and 45,000 sq.ft. of commercial space approved in 2021.

Reflecting changing local needs and shifting demand in the economy, we are now seeking planning permission for an industrial development on Capitol Industrial Park.

Our proposals breathe a new lease of life into Capitol Industrial Park with a high-quality innovative two-storey light-industrial hub, bringing new job opportunities and supporting business in the Colindale and Brent area.

In addition to the economic benefits, our vision includes improvements to the public realm, enhanced streetscape along Stag Lane and Capitol Way and promotes sustainable modes of transport including cargo bikes and electric vehicles.

The new proposals for Capitol Industrial Park bring industrial space and modern office space to the site whilst being sensitive to local neighbours. We will promote sustainable transport methods to reduce traffic on Capitol Way through the provision of charging and storage facilities at the site.
The proposals will be high quality and improve the appearance of the site and create a more welcoming environment that reflects the surrounding area.

We envision a more secure Capitol Way to address existing anti-social behaviour and enhance public spaces and streetscape along Stag Lane.

Before submitting the planning application, we are keen to hear your feedback and thoughts on our proposals to redevelop Capitol Industrial Park. Scroll down to learn more about the site, our plans and upcoming consultation events and to share your feedback.

Our Proposals

Our vision for Capitol Industrial Park is based on the following principles

Increased employment by creating up to 325 jobs on site plus 130 during construction period

New industrial hub with flexible workspace to support local businesses

Enhanced public realm, urban greenery, and streetscape along Stag Lane and Capitol Way

Higher security and reduction of anti-social behaviour at Capitol Way and Stag Lane

Sustainable and energy efficient vision to develop an outdated and inefficient building

High-quality design with new cafe and meeting space

Key Views

Your Feedback

Thank you to everybody who contributed to our consultation in February 2024. As you can see, we contacted many local people and received valuable feedback.


Invitations were sent to 2,784 local residents, as well as local community groups and ward councillors


People attended our in-person public exhibition


People visited our website


People completed our survey

Latest proposals

Key Benefits

We value Colindale’s local community, and we aim to contribute to the development of the area surrounding the Capitol Industrial Park by providing extensive economic, social, and environmental benefits, both during construction and operation.

Economic Benefits during Construction

During construction phase, we plan to invest £47.5 million in the construction of the proposed development. The redevelopment will generate up to 130 new jobs.

Economic Benefits during Operation

During the operational phase, our proposals should generate upto 325 new jobs. Our plans will deliver occupational variety and roles in management, technical occupations, and skilled trades.

Social Benefits

We will create social value through offering training and employment opportunities to local people alongside a new cafe and meeting space. We will also provide car parking, cycle parking and storage to accomodate increased demand.

Our designs also prioritise high quality placemaking and urban regeneration. We respond to local architecture by utilising high quality materials, aiming to enhance the visual outlook for our neighbours.
Through enhanced street frontage and public realm improvements we will create a more welcoming environment.

Environmental Benefits

Our proposals incorporate a wide range of sustainability improvements to minimise greenhouse gas emissions and encourage sustainable modes of transport such as the use of cargo bikes and electric vehicles. We will include enhanced solar control glazing to reduce solar gains. There will be measures to reduce water consumption and active design measures to reduce building energy demand and consumption. We will also incorporate urban greening elements to promote biodiversity on the site.

We recognise that parking was a concern for local residents when we presented our initial proposals. In response, we are continuing to work with the council and Transport for London to ensure an adequate level of parking is provided on-site to meet the needs of the new businesses, while minimising the impact on the wider area. Furthermore, sustainable methods of transport such as cycling and walking will be encouraged through the scheme design and management strategy.
We are ensuring that any heavy goods vehicles are only able to access the site from the southeast, therefore not adding to vehicle congestion in the local area.
Furthermore, sustainable modes of delivery will be encouraged through scheme design and the management strategy. This will include electric delivery vehicles and cargo bikes.
Rainwater harvesting
The potential for noise, light, and CO2 pollution from the development was also raised as a concern for local residents. We have worked hard through the scheme design development and incorporated mitigation measures to minimise the impact on local residents. This is being supported by specialist assessments to ensure the levels of noise, light, and CO2 are acceptable, and further details will be submitted to the council as part of the planning application.
Following the feedback from local residents that the new green spaces are welcomed, we have increased the amount of space provided for planting and the number of trees and shrubs. We have also increased the areas of green and blue roofs within the building and the amount of vertical climbing plants. This will result in an overall increase in biodiversity on-site.
The Team

About NEAT Developments

NEAT Developments is a London-based property development company delivering large-scale, residential, industrial and mix-use developments. We are committed to delivering better, higher quality developments providing new homes and job opportunities.

About Royal London

We’re the UK’s largest mutual life, pensions and investment company, offering protection, long-term savings and asset management products and services. As a proud, modern mutual we’re able to take a longer-term view. We can focus on delivering positive, enduring change on behalf of our members and customers and their families, helping to protect the standard of living for this and future generations.

The wider team

Have your say

We are keen to engage with you and get your thoughts.



The planning application for Capitol Industrial Park has now been submitted to the London Borough of Brent.

If you wish to view or comment on the application, you can do so via the council’s planning portal, using this link. To access the application, please use planning reference number 24/2223 or alternative planning reference number PP-13215153.
If you have any questions or would like to contact the project team directly, please feel free to reach out to us through this website.